This collection of the Greenwich Historical District Commission contains records ranging from its foundation in 1975 through 2012. The collection includes Meeting Minutes for most of these years, along with audio recorded minutes on cassette tape from 1989. Minutes for years 1997-2007 are not included. Foundational information, such as bylaws, guidelines, and handbooks, are included along with printed materials collected from other local, state and federal agencies pertaining to historic district guidelines. General correspondence topics include miscellaneous properties, demolitions and sound barriers.
The HDC is responsible for the review and approval of all applications for Certificate of Appropriateness within the Greenwich historical districts. A Certificate of Approval is required from the Commission for certain exterior changes to buildings and structures. Properties submitting these applications include residential, commercial, and institutional/historical buildings, and many times include site plans and photographs with their papers. As such, these records make up the bulk of the collection and are arranged by street and address.